The list below is a summary of product updates and features by release date. This list is by no means comprehensive. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
December 2024
- Add-on capacity per timeslot allows event hosts to attach specific per timeslot capacities to their add-ons. This enables hosts to cap how many add-ons they sell per timeslot for types of add-ons where capacity is finite.
November 2024
- Add-ons by ticket type allows hosts to attach specific add-ons to different ticket types. This enables hosts to offer exclusive add-ons, such as VIP perks or enhanced experiences, only available when specific ticket types are added to an order.
September 2024
- Organization Reports provides reporting access across multiple Universe accounts. This feature can be used by Event hosts who are added as team members to numerous Universe accounts.
August 2024
- Event hosts can now use Universe’s TikTok Pixel integration to easily send tracking info about their event to TikTok in one simple step. This is available to add and edit on the Integrations tab in Event Manager.
July 2024
Social sharing updates - Fans can now easily share events of interest with their network! Accessing the “Share Event” button on the Universe event display page via desktop will display quick share options to Facebook, Twitter, Email, etc. If on mobile, a device-specific share sheet will display the most used apps to share the event across. This could include Instagram, WhatsApp, SMS, FB, etc.
Additional customisability for taking tickets off sale automatically (found in Advanced Settings). Newly added options allow event hosts to pick from a selection of timeframes, either before the event starts or before the event ends.
Google Wallet support added - Android users can now store their Universe tickets in their Google Wallet for a quick and convenient check in experience!
- Giropay has been deprecated by its owner and will no longer be an accepted payment method on Universe or any other merchants going forward.
June 2024
- Tiered ticketing can now be used in tandem with access keys! Lock certain ticket types to sit privately along side your tiered ticket types, or facilitate a closed presale with only locked ticket types, allowing a smooth transition to from initial offerings to later tiers if an initial tier sells out sooner than expected.
May 2024
- Self-Serve Ticket Printing - this new feature gives event hosts the ability to select a specific, existing order that they wish to print tickets for, or generate a new order for printing through our ‘Add an Order’ page. This new feature also brings in the ability to customize certain aspects of your printed tickets. Learn more about what can be customized.
- New Check-ins by Event, Timeslots & Ticket Type charts on the Account Level Dashboard. We now have new charts on the BoxOffice tab reflecting the following information:
- Number of Check-ins by Event
- Number of Check-ins by Timeslot
- Number of Check-ins by Timeslot & Ticket Type
- Non-Team Member Report Emails - Hosts will be able to add in external recipients when scheduling a custom report. Please note that this feature is only available on upgraded plans. For more information, please contact us.
- Order Protection - As of March 13, 2024, all Universe events in the United States will have Order Protection enabled on their events by default
- Released BoxOffice Android 3.5.0 - Updates to Add-ons on the Guestlist tab and language specific issues for Germany.
November 2023
- Added BoxOffice data to the new Account Dashboard, designed to allow clients the ability to access and analyze check-in and onsite sales data in real time to make strategic decisions about their business.
- Released the host facing 3rd party barcode upload feature, which lets event hosts upload barcodes generated by other ticketing companies to the Universe platform.
- Released the new Account Dashboard, designed to help you visualize info from various reports in a centralized experience with enhanced performance and scalability.
- The Ticket Type - Timeslot Report is now available on the event-level Reports page
- Introducing multi scan time delay feature for tickets with multiple redemptions.
- Universe event creation is now available for event hosts in Australia and New Zealand.
- Payment Plans are now available to event hosts transacting in NOK, SEK, and DKK currencies.
August 2023
- Requires Approval now supports cards that require Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).
- Payment Plans are now available to event hosts transacting in EUR and GBP currencies.
July 2023
Order Protection – As of July 17, 2023, all Universe events in the United States
transacting through Universe Payments will have Order Protection enabled on
their events by default - Released BoxOffice v3.3.9 on Android
- Released an update to allow timeslot customization after a start time for timed-
entry events - Removed payment processing from the Add An Order page for EU/UK markets
due to 3DS requirments - Released an update to the date of birth checkout question to allow for European
date format - Released PayPal as a payment method option for clients transacting with
Universe Payments in the EU, with an event location in Germany or Austria
June 2023
All-In Pricing – United States - Universe will now allow event hosts in the United
States to show All-In Pricing. If enabled, this will allow fans to see All-In Pricing
at the point of ticket selection on any Universe event hosted in the United States.
May 2023
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.8 on iOS
- BoxOffice now displays the Apple system status bar while in-app, allowing users to monitor their network connection and battery levels
- Reduces Sell tab load time for large accounts
- Sales confirmation screen now applies to all fees
April 2023
- Waitlist Report - giving our hosts the ability to see waitlist counts in their event dashboard, and download account-level and event-level reports that will provide complete visibility of waitlist numbers and contact details of interested buyers.
- Custom Ticket Promotion Label - create your own custom ticket promotion labels with our new free-text input field
March 2023
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.7 on iOS and Android, adding support for our WRSTBND integration for SMS ticket delivery, as well as the ability to turn the buyer information requirement on or off when selling tickets directly through the BoxOffice app
February 2023
- Venue Tagging (client-facing- contracted selected clients only)
- Reset Check-Ins (user-facing)
- Ticket Upgrades in Checkout
January 2023
- Released Custom Checkout Links
- Released Timeslot Capacity Customization, to allow custom values to be entered on a timeslot-by-timeslot basis
- Stability Improvements
- Released Visual Inventory Indicator feature to allow hosts to choose what is displayed for which percentage of tickets are sold
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.6 on iOS and v3.3.5 on Android
November 2022
- Distributed Commerce (Engineering/Product Component)
- Tap to Pay - Apple iOS/US only
- Released Join Team Permission Update
- Released Ticket Promotion Label updates
- Released update for Numbering on Schedules page for timed-entry events
- Released update to Tickets page to allow ticket types to easily be re-ordered
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.5 on iOS and v3.3.4 on Android
October 2022
- Public release of the new BoxOffice Dashboard
- Fan Facing Move Order (no fees/extra charges)
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.2 on iOS and Android
- Released Fan-Facing Move Order (FFMO) feature allowing fans to change the date and time of their order without contacting Fan Support
- Released BoxOffice v3.3.3 on iOS
- Released Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Integration
September 2022
- Released BoxOffice Dashboard in beta
- Released BoxOffice v3.2.7 on Android
August 2022
- Released the Add An Order page (supportive of Timeslot Customization)
- Released Checkout Settings page
- Added QR codes to Check-Ins Report
July 2022
- Released BoxOffice v3.2.2 on iOS
- Released BoxOffice v.3.2.3 and v.3.2.4 on Android
June 2022
- Released update to Checkout Filters to Filter by Ticket Type and Time of Day
- Updates to Universe Log-In Security
- Released BoxOffice v.3.2.2 on Android
May 2022
- Check In Audit Trail (BoxOffice App)
- Released BoxOffice v.3.2.0 on iOS and Android
March 2022
- Released integration with the next generation of Visa Checkout and Masterpass, called Click to Pay (US-based events and Universe Payments only)
- Released BoxOffice v3.1.2 on iOS
February 2022
- Multi-Scan Tickets
- Filter by Quantity (Single Calendar Widget)
- Released BoxOffice v3.1.1 on iOS and Android
January 2022
- Released our long awaited Timed-Entry Events feature
- Released BoxOffice v3.1.0 on iOS and Android
December 2021
- Released Filter by Quantity feature on the checkout flow
- Deprecated Discover (iOS) app
November 2021
- Released New Orders and Attendees page with Bulk Move Order
- Released Timeslots - Price feature to allow further customizations of ticket prices per individual timeslots
October 2021
- Released Timeslots - Quantity feature to customize the quantity of tickets available on a ticket type-by-ticket type level for each timeslot
- Released Business Seller update
- Dashboard updates for account balances
September 2021
- Added Tickets Report to Custom Reporting
August 2021
- Added a ‘Refunded At’ column to the Tickets, Add-ons, and Cancellation & Refunds reports
- Released a transaction date filter to the account level Audit report
- Added a ‘Resolution Date’ column to the Chargebacks report
- Released an under the hood update to the Event Overview & Reports pages to increase speeds & accuracy
- Released BoxOffice Android v3.0.0.5
- Released Timeslots page for timed-entry events
- Deprecated Pay By Invoice feature
July 2021
- Released the Account Level Audit report
- Deprecated Manual Credit Card Entry in BoxOffice app
June 2021
- Reporting updates
- Event Manager UI Update: Basic Information has been reorganized into Event Information to better reflect the event creation flow
- Disabled Email Validation
May 2021
- Reporting updates to include Sales by Event Report
April 2021
- Calendar Widget UI Updates for Multi-event listings
- Checkout flow performance updates
- Reporting updates
- Released Stripe Terminal support for on-site ticket sales to USA, UK and Canada
March 2021
- Email Validation updates for Virtual Events
October 2020
- Released new and improved embeddable calendar widgets for single and multi events
May 2020
- Released Virtual Events as a new event offering
- Sunset Amex Express Checkout
March 2020
- Released improvements to our Orders & Attendees page by extending our search capabilities to include Order ID and last four digits of credit cards
February 2020
- Updated Timeslot selection in our checkout flow
- Released Custom Reports to our Reporting functionality
- Released BoxOffice v2.7.0 for iOS allowing users to integrate with Square card readers
- Released BoxOffice v.2.8.0 for iOS allowing users to integrate with Star printers
October 2019
- Released Automated Rebates, allowing for automated calculation and payout of a rebate
September 2019
- Hosts can now issue custom refund amounts to an order in 'Event Manager'
- Hosts can now search through their global discount codes
- Deleted users can no longer purchase tickets on our platform
- Released BoxOffice 2.6.4
- Hosts can now schedule event publish date instead of publishing immediately
August 2019
- Orders that have been disputed / in an active chargeback state will now display as 'Disputed' and QR codes will not be valid for checkin using BoxOffice app
July 2019
- Calendar Event Display Page: a single event page for Timed Entry events that allows buyers to checkout using the calendar widget on directly
- Boca Printer improvements for BoxOffice iOS to allow for faster ticket printing and 200 DPI support
June 2019
- Released BoxOffice Android 2.4.0
- Released BoxOffice 2.4.9
- iDEAL payments are no longer restricted to Belgian/Dutch events, any events transacting in Euros will be able to enable iDEAL payments as a payment method
- Hosts now have the option of upgrading buyer tickets to hidden rates
May 2019
- Deprecated passes: hosts are no longer to create new pass listings.
- Released BoxOffice 2.4.3
- Released BoxOffice Android 2.3.2
April 2019
- Deprecated seats: hosts are no longer able to create new listings with a seating plan
- The number of time slots available for an event now shows on Universe discover page
- Hosts now have the option to add a “country” checkout question, which has all of the countries pre-loaded
- Hosts can view the QR code for each ticket by downloading the Tickets report
- Total revenue, total revenue by event and add-on revenue by event tabs have been added to host's dashboards
- Released BoxOffice Android 2.0.8
- Hosts have the ability to disable confirmation emails via the additional settings tab on their event page
March 2019
- Hosts are able to add multiple Facebook Pixel ID's to track data
- Spotify playlists can be embedded in event listing descriptions
- Prices ranges for events don't show in discover unless all active rates are available for sale
- Ability for hosts to disable card presales
- Venue name now appears in order confirmation emails, if one is set
- Account level orders report now includes payment plan columns
- Released BoxOffice 2.2.3
- Released Universe Discover (Android) 1.8.0
February 2019
- Add-ons: Hosts can add items other than tickets to their event, such as parking or t-shirts, and buyers can purchase them all together in one transaction at checkout
- Improvements have been made to the cancellation and orders reports
- Released Universe iOS 2.6.1
- Released BoxOffice iOS 2.2.2
- Released BoxOffice Android 2.0.6
January 2019
- Tiered ticketing allows a host to set a ticket type to go on-sale once another ticket type sells out
- Released BoxOffice Android 2.0.3
- Released BoxOffice iOS 2.1.0
- Released Universe iOS 2.6.0
- Removed support for Google Social Deals
December 2018
- Released TicketManager Android 1.14.3
- Released TicketManager Android 1.15.0
- Released Universe Discover Android 1.7.0
- Hosts can create BIN restricted pre-sales if using Universe Payments
- Released BoxOffice 2.0.0
November 2018
- Buyers are notified of locked rates at checkout if all other rates are sold out
- Hosts can set refund policies around a ticket's purchase date i.e. refunds available within 1 day of purchase
- Account Dashboard can be filtered by custom time ranges
- Orders, Approvals, and Cancellations reports include 'add-ons' data
October 2018
- Hosts can now issue partial refunds by refunding 1 or more tickets without refunding all tickets in an order
- Released BoxOffice iOS 1.19.7
- Released BoxOffice Android 1.12.10
- Option to change “get tickets” to “donate” on EDP
September 2018
- Released BoxOffice iOS 1.19.6
- Released BoxOffice 1.10.4 Android
- Hosts can enable Bancontact to receive payment for events in the Netherlands
- Hosts can enable Ideal to receive payment for events in Belgium
- Hosts can enable pay by invoice to allow their buyers to secure their ticket(s) and follow up with payment at a later date
- Hosts have the ability to create reserved seating on our platform
- For purchases where the host has enabled invoices, buyers can generate their invoice from order confirmation emails
August 2018
- Released Universe app 2.2.3
- Released BoxOffice Android 1.10.2
- Released BoxOffice iOS 1.19.4
- Support for GloBee cryptocurrency payments
- New landing pages
- Integration with SocialLadder allows a host to identify influential fans and offer them free tickets or elevated experiences in exchange for promoting their events
- A host has the ability to add multiple additional fees
July 2018
- Clarifications and design improvements added to the withdrawals flow for hosts using Universe Payments
- Re-designed help center
- Chat bot added to help center
- AVS address verification added at checkout for all purchases except on events taking place in Australia
- Released Universe iOS app 2.2.1
- Released BoxOffice iOS 1.19.3
- Option to send receipt only from BoxOffice when resending a ticket from the app
- The release of Global Discount Codes allows a host to create discount codes from their dashboard and have them apply to all events in their account
June 2018
- Masterpass, Google Pay and Microsoft Pay are now supported as a payment method at checkout
- Buyers can only request a refund from the host if it is within the timeframe that refunds are allowed, as determined by the host of the event
- Released BoxOffice Android V 1.9.4
- Released BoxOffice 2.2.1
- Hosts can now choose from 135 currencies when setting their ticket prices
- A user with permissions to view another account can switch between their own dashboard and the account they have access to
- Discount codes can now be set at the account level, and apply to all events on a host's account
- AVS (address verification) has been added to the checkout flow to decrease fraudulent purchases and chargebacks
May 2018
- Released BoxOffice Android V 1.7.5
- Added support for Greek and Polish languages
- Released BoxOffice V 1.18.3
- Buyers can now check out using Visa Express Checkout if it is enabled by the host on their event
- Hosts can now define their own Terms of Service and Privacy Policies via linking a URL
- Improved messaging to a buyer at checkout when their payment attempt fails
- Hosts refund policy is now visible to buyers on their My Tickets page
April 2018
- Released BoxOffice V 1.17.2
- Host is able to see the price that the buyer pays (all-in pricing: including all taxes and fees) on their event creation page
- Cash transactions are tracked in host reports and included in net sales
- Team members can switch their dashboard view between their own account and accounts they have access to
- Seamless integration for Facebook Pixel added to the integrations tab on the event manager
- Released BoxOffice Android V 1.6.10
- Updates to ensure Universe is fully GDPR compliant
March 2018
- Released Universe iOS V 2.1.1
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.16.6
- Released BoxOffice Android V 1.6.9
February 2018
- Hosts are able to issue partial refunds on orders (i.e. refund one ticket out of two in an order).
- All-in pricing is displayed for events outside of the US.
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.16.5
- Released new dashboard for hosts with improved functionality and more data.
- Released Universe Android 1.5.3
- Released BoxOffice Android V 1.6.7
January 2018
- Buyers are able to use Apple Pay to purchase tickets.
- Buyers in Austria, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Spain are able to pay using SOFORT if it is enabled by the host for an event.
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.16.2
- Hosts can see their ticket sales by channel on event manager.
December 2017
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.15.3
- New report available for hosts which shows a summary per event.
- Hosts have the ability to hide listings from the calendar widget and listings widget.
- When duplicating an event page, hosts have the option to duplicate their discount codes and access keys as well.
- Universe now supports the following languages: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.15.4
November 2017
- Updates have been made to our Terms of Service, which can be found here:
- Hosts are able to set ticket sales to end at a pre-determined time before an event begins.
- Capability to have card-specific on-sales, such as Amex Pre-sale.
- Buyers are notified via email if they begin the checkout flow but do not complete their purchase.
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.15.0
- Added currency support for Hong Kong Dollar, Japanese Yen and Mexican Peso.
- Hosts are able to post their event to Facebook directly from their Universe event manager.
- Search for events on or Discover app by category name.
- Released BoxOffice Door V 1.15.1
October 2017
- Hosts now have the ability to turn off notifications for ticket purchases.
- Hosts are able to charge tax on certain rates, as opposed to on the entire order.
September 2017
- Hosts can now set their base and transaction currency per event.
August 2017
- Organizers can now offer tickets in New Zealand dollar currency
- Released Android BoxOffice - V1.5.6
- New embeddable widgets page offers more options for hosts to sell tickets directly from their website or blog.
July 2017
- Released Android BoxOffice - V1.5.4
- Host Dashboard has been updated with improved metrics and functionality.
- Buyers can now cancel free tickets from their My Tickets page.
- Hosts can set a refund policy for their event that is communicated to buyers at checkout.
- Buyers can request a refund from their My Tickets page.
- Buyers can now checkout as a guest without creating an account.
- Released Android BoxOffice - V1.5.5
- Released iOS BoxOffice - V1.12.2
June 2017
- BoxOffice app updated for iOS.
- When a host receives a chargeback on their event it will now show on their Dashboard if they are using Universe Payments.
- Hosts can now add taxes that are calculated on the ticket price plus any additional fees.
- Buyers can now use Giropay to purchase tickets for events in Germany, iDEAL for events in Netherlands and Bancontact for events in Belgium.
- Buyers can now use Alipay for listings that transact in AUD, CAD, EUR, GBP and USD.
- Buyers can now use Przelewy24 (P24) to purchase tickets for events in Poland.
- The event listing page has been re-designed and optimized to help increase ticket sales for hosts.
- The timeline shown on the host dashboard can be grouped by week or month.
May 2017
- Hosts have the ability to turn individual access keys on or off.
- A new report has been added to the Reports dashboard showing every single ticket purchased, breaking out orders into their own line items.
- Checkout questions have been re-designed and improved for hosts.
- Improved navigation on event pages for hosts.
- Buyers can contact Hosts directly from their My Tickets page.
- Passes have been moved from user's Dashboard to their My Tickets page
April 2017
- Tickets can now be access from the My Tickets dropdown at the top right of their Universe account. Tickets no longer appear in the dashboard.
- Hosts can turn on the option for buyers to create invoices.
- Host has the option to "never" release tickets (specifically for events where tickets are sent outside of Universe).
- Withdrawal email sent to hosts using Universe Payments has been revised.
- Hosts have the option to filter by date when downloading the Sales Report.
March 2017
- Buyers can pay for multiple instalments of a Payment Plan on date of original purchase
- Reminders emails are only sent 24h prior to an event begins; 72h email has been removed
- Host has the ability to disable the 24 hour attendee reminder email
- "Advanced Ticketing" section within the Manage tab has been re-named to "Event Settings"
February 2017
- Day of the week for events now shows on listings pages
- The pricing page has been updated to reflect pricing in Australia and Switzerland
- Secondary users on an event can no longer change the payment preference
- Faster load times on Manage tab for large events
January 2017
- Year of listing event has been added to all dates showing in dropdown menus for event organizers
- Manage panel and listing load performance has been upgraded
- It is no longer necessary to upload an avatar in order to submit a listing
- Faster load time on dashboard balances page
- Pricing page has been updated with latest fee rates
December 2016
- Features page has been updated with payment plans information link
- New careers page
- Customized integration is now available for the new checkout widget via the Checkout Widget tab in the manage panel
- The pricing page has been updated to reflect pricing in Ireland
November 2016
- Event organizers can now apply discount codes to more than 1 ticket type when bulk uploading discount codes
- Event listing title maximum length has been increased to 75 characters
- Event organizers can now filter the listings they see on their dashboard
- Users and permissions has been revamped. It is now possible to grant and restrict team members permissions to create listings, see reports, manage orders and attendees, unsubscribe from organization emails and much more
- Event hosts can now choose to use the new checkout widget via the manage panel checkout widget tab
- New mobile layout design for dashboard my listings is out
- Listings showing in the multi-user management team member permissions modal are now ordered and filtered to be events in the future only
- Tickets can now be selected by clicking on the event date on the listings page
- User sign in page has been improved to allow for easier sign in
October 2016
- When creating or adding a new ticket type, the name of the ticket type is now required so save the new ticket type
- Timezone issues for listing creation have been addressed and fixed
- Organizers can now offer tickets in more currencies: Australian and New Zealand Dollar, and Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish Krone
September 2016
- Passes creation flow has been redesigned
- iOS and Android users can now redeem discount codes for fixed currency amounts
- iOS users can now see host custom fee names
- Reports page has been optimized for mobile web view
- Organization hosts can grant organization members access to specific listings
- Event organizers are notified if they cannot add attendees via orders & attendees page
- Event date will be hidden from ticket transfers if host chooses to hide date via the listing edit and create forms
- The user interface for setting the rate-applicability of checkout questions has been improved
- Pass holders will now be notified when new events are redeemable with their passes
- Reports will now show fixed-amount discount codes redeemed
August 2016
- Google tag manager integration can now be used on universe event pages
- Google auto-complete functionality has been extended for listing creation and editing
- Android Discover search redesign
- Android Sell tickets redesign
- Android users can now add to their calendars the events they are attending
- Android users will now receive feedback when inputting a non-existent access code
- Users can set their default payment preferences (Universe payments or Stripe Connect) by currency
- Credit card description will now contain event name for transactions processed using Universe Payments
- Discount codes can now be set as fixed currency amounts
- Users can now define max number of uses for access keys when uploading keys in bulk via a .csv file
- User can submit feedback via the contact-us feedback tab
- Hosts can now filter by all event dates when viewing orders and attendees in the manage panel
- Event times are now grouped by date when selecting tickets to purchase
- Hosts can now view BoxOffice check ins reports including attendees check in and check out times
July 2016
- Add button has been redesigned for checkout questions, discount codes, access keys.
- iOS BoxOffice users can sign-in multiple times for the same event
- Ticket buyers can now see their tickets on a separate My Tickets page
- iOS BoxOffice users can now edit attendee info after checking in guests
June 2016
- It is now possible to find events taking place in the next 24 hours
- PDF tickets and receipts have been redesigned
- Attendees report now contains information about access keys, discount and referral codes
- Hosts can now download cancellation and pending approval reports
- A balances overview page has been added to dashboard
May 2016
- Orders & attendees view now indicates when an order is a transfer
- Confirmation emails now contain a link to add the event to google and yahoo calendars
- It is now possible to enable/disable ticket transfers and info editing via the manage panel
- iOS users can now add booked events to their calendar
- Android ticket view has been redesigned
- Android access keys support
- Android discover has been redesigned
April 2016
- For popular events with a lot of traffic, we have improved the messaging when buying a ticket
- Event organizers can now delay when their attendees receive their tickets
- We've improved the flow for transferring a ticket
- Event organizers can now add checkboxes to their checkout questions
- Checkout questions can now be re-ordered
- The pricing page has been updated
March 2016
- Improved Access Keys
- Integration with Zapier, a tool to connect Universe with over 500 different apps
February 2016
- Redesigned Ticket and Order receipts
- Google Tag Manager support that lets you integrate more third party apps into your listing
- Boosted security with stronger password requirements
- Ticket creation performance upgrades to handle more transactions efficiently
- Select the Displayed currency of your Listing
- Add redemption limits to Access Keys
- Messages in ticket inquiries will now render inside of emails
- Ticket emails will now be sent from
January 2016
- Listings can now display prices in 171 different currencies (for a list see:
- Buyers can input multiple access keys (separated by commas) to unlock a number of rates
- Maximum & Minimum quantities for purchasing passes
- Smaller new QR codes updated across the app
- Google Analytics E-commerce tracking in our Embed widget
- Universe events are now being pushed to TicketMaster via their API
- Associate discount codes to a number of different rates
December 2015
- Create and sell Passes, which allow buyers to purchase blocks of credits that can be redeemed for tickets to multiple events
- Replaced navigation bar for the Powered By Universe slide bar, which allows users to sign-in/up with minimal branding on a listing's page
- Hide date-time from event, this will hide dates across discovery and the mobile apps as well
- New pricing page with selectable currency
- Access to the invitations tool is now restricted to listings that have been approved and are posted
- Inputs for KYC data for Stripe in the withdrawal form
- Style fixes to Withdrawal form
- “Add to Calendar” in ticket transaction emails
- Removed arts & crafts background from the home page
November 2015
- Listings in the UK will now be able to transact in pounds
- Newly redesigned Home page that will now display current events, allowing users to wish list them and filter using keywords, location, dates, and categories
- Ticket holders can now transfer their tickets to any name/email via their dashboard
- Speed improvements that trim the asset size & loading times for pages across the site
October 2015
- Transact in EUR currency using Universe Payments or Stripe Connect
- Withdraw from your EUR balance via PayPal
- Unsubscribe from all emails regardless of whether you’re currently signed in
- Clear dates in the listing form with the added “X” button
- Create short URLs for Access Keys that are easy to copy & paste
- Speed improvements related to reports and ticket quantities across the app
- Addressed issues with regards to saving and publishing a listing
September 2015
- Various bug fixes related to managing Access Keys
- Stylesheet and mobile improvements to tables found in the Manage and Promote panels
- Send host purchase notifications immediately when a user enables the option
- Scrolling enabled for long modals
- Redesigned Web Affiliates tab
August 2015
- Lock ticket rates and allow certain buyers to unlock & purchase them with Access Keys
- Generate Access Key links that apply codes to tickets instantly
- Reorganized discount codes panel with separate Social Deals tab
- Redesigned Facebook Integrations tab
- Restructured sitemap and improved SEO with /explore meta tags and Google Breadcrumb fixes
- Rates will now display "Sale Ending Soon" when there are less than 3 days left until they become unavailable, and "Last Day" when there is only 1
- Faster user report generation
- Bug fixes related to editing attendee host fields, connecting via Facebook in /explore
July 2015
- Revamped Explore feature that lets users search for events by name, location, category, and date faster with more accuracy
- Redesigned Add Attendees feature to improve UX during host checkout
- New email templates for hosts creating and submitting an event
- Bug fixes related to creating, updating, and importing discount codes that prevent codes from duplicating and not being saved
June 2015
- Redesigned ticket and booking confirmation emails
- New company "About Us" page
- Improved listing search engine that will now return results for events searched by host name
- Host reminder emails can now be sent to a user that joins an organization
- Ticket purchase notifications can be aggregated or sent individually as they happen
- Custom listing URL's can be edited from the Manage overview
- Added support for Yahoo and Microsoft in new authentication flow
- Stylesheet fixes and mobile optimization to the Conversations and Withdrawals flow
- Create promotional links that let users apply discounts to tickets instantly
- Bug and UI fixes for the discount code panel
- Revamped Website Integrations panel
May 2015
- New sorting features for Orders & Attendees in the host's manage panel
- Quick approve orders from Orders & Attendees
- UI/UX fixes for the host's Add Attendees flow
- Redirect to home when using a supported browser on the upgrade browser page
- User profile links have been fixed
- Nav-bar caret dropsdown on click
- Hidden listings are now also hidden from future events
- Duplicating a listing will now duplicate its theme as well
- Facebook events tab ranks events with available tickets at the top
- Call-to-action button when there are unapproved tickets pending in the manage overview
- Account creation fixes that tie Facebook, Twitter, and Google authentication to a single email
- Redesigned authentication form
- Mobile optimized dashboard and ticket views for better browsing
- Bulk upload discount codes
- Send messages to all approved orders, all unapproved orders, and declined ticket holders
- Improved listing currency assignment based on its geolocation
- Rate placed at the top of the listing form will now be advertised across discovery
- Rebranded favicons
- Payment provider included for each order in host reports
- Customize label's for free ticket rates
- Edit Buyer Info and Resend Ticket to Stripe ticket holders
April 2015
- Revamped Manage panel for faster and more responsive browsing
- Find Facebook events that are in your network in the Browse Events sidebar
- Redesigned and animated landing pages for App, BoxOffice, Direct Payments, and Customers
- Preview tweets before users send them out as social deals
- Added area to a listing's location allowing users to search for listings based on neighbourhood
- Payment Preferences box in Create/Edit event forms for more transparency
- Optimized flow to manage listings in dashboard
- Link and switch to Stripe Connect in your Booking Settings
- Labeled Payment Preferences for each listing in the dashboard
- Send sales inquiries directly to our sales team with the contact-us form
March 2015
- New discovery map that let's you explore city streets to find events
- Redesigned iOS BoxOffice with new organization features to improve the host's user experience
- Dedicated splash pages that add more details for Facebook events
- Sign into Twitter and make tweets to get socials deals without leaving our embed widget
- Revamped the Promote tab with improved settings and interface
- Back-end improvements to improve scalability and speed site-wide
- Enhancements to our event aggregator that connect you to more events
February 2015
- Discover Facebook events on Universe with our new Event Aggregation feature
- Scaled up Friend Invite promotional tool allowing users to import and invite thousands of emails
- Improved performance for exporting ticket reports
- Site-wide redesign and rebrand with the new Universe logo
- Switched domain name to
- Revamped landing & marketing pages with new content and image assets
- Improved UX with the new Sell Tickets form
- Expanded footer and added sales, marketing, and support links
- Implemented a new Organizations feature that let's users share and edit each other's listings
January 2015
- Revamped web design for mobile phones
- Monogram avatars for users that haven't uploaded their own profile images
- Added a new Cinematic design theme for listings
- Allow buyers to contact the host directly when purchases are confirmed, declined, or cancelled
- Exporting reports for referral and discount codes
- Improved alerts and flash notifications for a better user experience
- New search function for embedded profile listings
- Upgraded SEO to boost rankings of the main landing pages
- Fixed bugs, compressed web assets, and added animations to optimize page load times
- Prepped back end and UI for Stripe and PayPal which will be supported in the near future
December 2014
- Sign up/sign in via Twitter, Facebook, and Google accounts
- Graph sales, demographics, and other stats with the Reports and Analytics panel
- Link analytics data from an event to Google Analytics
- Mailchimp support that allows attendees to be added to a host's mailing list
- Exporting Attendee and Order reports in CSV and XML formats
- Show/hide sections on a listing's page to curate its content
- Cropping and adding blur effects to images
- Displaying order information when scanning tickets via BoxOffice
- Messaging attendees after they've checked into the host's event
- Integrating ticket, buyer, and listing data with external applications using Webhooks
August 2014
- Conveniently log in your event team members to BoxOffice iOS app for at-the-door check-ins and payments using Bluetooth "Add to team" and "Join team" buttons
- Fixed payment edge case bugs - for example, poorly formatted credit card expiry dates are now handled better
- Added features to improve SEO (search engine optimization) for events
- Made event organizer exports faster
- Better responsive features for embedded checkouts
- Fixed bug where discounts codes will show for subsequent events that an event organizers visits
- Payments are now processed using Stripe, for better reliability
- Now supporting Visa Debit payments, worldwide
- Ability for hosts to edit buyer and attendee information on tickets
July 2014
- Added venue (integration with Foursquare and Google's APIs) on event creation / edit form
- Venue names are now displayed on event pages, tickets, emails, receipts, etc.
- Added a button to switch from a personal to a business account (and vice versa) in account settings
- Added "View ticket" and "View order" action buttons in Attendees and Orders reports for hosts (and admins)
- Host event funds email will include a feedback survey, as well as information about our affiliate program
- Fixed user's locations on profiles
- Fixed unsubscribe functionality from event invitations
- Fixed issues with loading avatars on certain profiles
- Added a "Duplicate listing" action on dashboard for easier access
- Deprecated Facebook social deals (via Timeline posts) due to Facebook terms of use. We'll be adding additional social deals platforms soon
- Improved export speed
- Better UI when events are sold out
- Hosts can now customize the social discount tweet on Uniiverse's embedded checkout
June 2014
- Released At-the-door scanning app BoxOffice for Android
- Improved checkout flow via Uniiverse's embedded widget on listing pages
- Mobile optimized pages for, event pages, checkout pages, ticket pages, dashboard
- Stability and scalability improvements
- Public listings will now be automatically published to Zvents for extra distribution
- Ability to edit the Tweet and Facebook share copy of social deals
- Ability to search discount codes by code name
- Ability to search attendees / orders by first name, last name or email in attendee and orders tables
- Ability to search tickets / orders faster in Uniiverse's admin panel - this will increase our customer support speed
- Performance improvements for downloading reports
- Feature deprecation: We're no longer supporting "tipping events". i.e you cannot specify a minimum number of tickets sold to activate the event. We recommend using "requiring approval" booking method instead
- Fix to ensure event duplication feature transfers all information successfully (except for listing's photo)
- Fix to ensure private note does not get removed accidentally
- Fix for email layout in Outlook
- Fix to display correct currency for 'buyer chooses' ticket types
- Other smaller bug fixes
April 25, 2014
- Ability to upload very large amount of discount codes (>25,000)
- Improvements to Uniiverse iOS app
April 16, 2014
- Mobile responsive + faster marketing pages
- New home and marketing pages:
- New pricing page:
- New customer page:
- New features page:
- Improved UI / Flat design across site - Part 1
- Improvements to iPad UI
- User can upload avatar directly on their dashboards
April 8, 2014
- Improvements to release time. (From 10 minutes to less than 30 seconds)
- Improvements to email modal
- Fix for Widget code on Manage tab
- IE 8 bug fixes
- Improvements to SEO and sitemap
- Deprecate badges + reviews across site
April 2, 2014
- Customized checkout per ticket type or for primary buyers
- Event organizers can now send complimentary tickets / process payment via Host Box Office for hidden rates, sold out rates, at-the-door rates, etc
- Added check-in date/time to BoxOffice App for iOS
- Faster import download
- UI improvements to listing invites
- Event organizers can now upload videos in their event descriptions
March 31, 2014
- Added rich text editor to email invitations
- Event organizers can sent emails to buyers + segment list by ticket type or date of purchase
Universe is the marketplace for events. We help event organizers sell tickets and bring people together for meaningful experiences in the real world. We work with thousands of event organizers worldwide and provide them with advanced tools to sell tickets, promote, and manage events online.
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