As a Team Member across multiple organizations/Universe accounts you have the ability to download reports that include data from all of or select organizations in one report, instead of downloading a report for each account individually!
Note - You must be added as a Team Member with reporting access to be able to download Organization Reports; if you do not have the appropriate access to another account please reach out to the organization account holder to ask for access.
How to use Organization Reports as a Team Member:
1. To view and download Organization Reports, first navigate to the Reports page from your account Dashboard.
From this page you will see the option for Account Reports and Organization Reports. To download reports for organizations you are a team member of, select the Organization Reports option.
2. Choose the report type you would like to download, either the Orders report or Sales by Event report and click the Download button.
3. From the pop up window, select the date range of orders you would like to download from the choices of All Transactions, Past 30 Days, Single Day or a Custom Date Range.
Note - The ‘Date range’ filter in this instance refers to the Date of Order.
4. Choose which account data you’d like to include in your report; this can be all accounts, a custom selection of accounts or a single account that you have team member access to. Accounts can be chosen from the dropdown menu or by typing in the account name. If an account is added that you’d like to remove from your selection simply click the ‘x’ on the left of the account name to remove it.
Note - The options in the dropdown will only show accounts which you have been granted team member reporting access to.
5. Once your selection is complete, click the ‘Download Report’ button from the popup. Your report will download automatically and will include all data from the date range and accounts selected!
Note - Reports with a large amount of data may take extra time to generate, in this case a link to download the report will be emailed to you once the report is ready.
If you’re an organization looking to grant a user access to your reporting, please follow the steps here, and ensure you include reporting access.
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