The data from your Universe event is available in different reports depending on the information you are looking for. Reports can be downloaded at any time before, during, or after your event.
To download a report from a particular event:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page, and select the event you would like to manage.
2. From your 'Event Manager', select the 'Reports' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. Select your report and click on your preferred file format to download.
Note: If you have more than one date on your event page, select which date you'd like to download your report / see data for from the 'Choose Your Event' dropdown. All events on your event page will be selected by default.
Available reports:
Guestlist Report:
The guestlist report is ideal for printing and checking people in at the door of your event. It provides a full attendee list and the ticket type of each guest.
Attendees Report:
The attendees report includes the name and email address of each attendee (ticket holder) and any additional attendee information you requested at checkout, who bought the order (the buyer), and general attendee information.
Orders Report:
The orders report includes a cost breakdown of each order, Information on the buyer, including any custom information you have requested from the buyer at checkout, quantity and type of tickets, purchase origin, and general order information.
Tickets Report:
The tickets report includes a cost breakdown of each ticket for your event. An order can have multiple tickets.
Ticket Type - Timeslot Level:
A summary report of sales per ticket type per date/time on each event page.
Add-ons Report:
The add-ons report includes a cost breakdown of each add-on for your event.
Check-ins Report:
The check-ins report shows each ticket that was scanned or checked in or out of your event using the BoxOffice app along with the time it occurred.
Cancellations and Refunds Report:
The cancellations and refunds report includes all cancelled tickets for your event. This is shown at the attendee level and all cancelled tickets, if paid, have been refunded in full. Cancelled tickets do not show in any other report.
Requires Approval Report:
If your event is set to require your approval to review each booking request to approve or decline, you can download this report to view all pending requests to easily view the order information for all requests.
All disputed charges for your event processed using Universe Payments.
Invoice Export:
The invoice export allows you to download all your buyer's invoices into a PDF file.
Service Tax Invoice:
An invoice outlining the taxes charged on Universe services
Audit Report:
The audit report gives you a high-level summary report of your daily ticket sales for your event.
A high-level daily summary report of your ticket sales with net sales breakdown.
To download an account level report:
1. Log-in to your Universe account and go to your Dashboard.
2. Click on the 'Reports' tab at the top of the page.
3. Choose the format of your report by selecting 'CSV' or 'XLS' from the dropdown menu under 'Actions'.
4. Click 'Download'. Your file will begin downloading.
Available reports:
Tickets Report:
Data on each attendee including a cost breakdown of each ticket.
Sales by Event Report:
A summary report that shows a sales breakdown for each event, including paid tickets, free tickets, and add-ons.
Add-ons Report:
Data on each attendee including a cost breakdown of each ticket.
Orders Report:
Data on all buyers including a cost breakdown of each order.
Audit Report:
A high-level daily summary report of your ticket sales.
Extended Audit Report:
A high-level daily summary report of your ticket sales with net sales breakdown.
Cancellations Report:
All refunded tickets and orders for your events.
Account Activity Report:
All the money that came into and out of your account including, ticket sales, ticket purchases, withdrawals, and chargebacks.
Ticket Type - Event Level Report:
A summary report of sales per ticket type per event page.
Ticket Type - Timeslot Level:
A summary report of sales per ticket type per date/time on each event page.
Settlement Report: A summary report that shows a cost breakdown for each event, including net sales and tickets sold.
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