This article is a high-level overview defining all fields included in this report.
Listing ID: The event ID issued by Universe on event creation.
User ID: The event organizer’s Universe ID, this is issued by Universe when the account is
Location: The address of the event
Ticket type: Column listing all ticket type names created on the event.
Total Quantity: Column listing all set quantities for each ticket type, set on the Tickets page of
the event.
Price: Column listing the price for each ticket type, set on the Tickets page of the event.
Total: The total amount of ticket type quantities for the event. If there are ticket types set to
‘Unlimited’ the total will display as Unlimited for the event.
TODAY'S SALES: Any orders/tickets that have been purchased on the event on the day the
report is viewed.
TODAY'S ADD-ON SALES: Any Add-ons that have been purchased on the event on the day
the report is viewed.
Ticket Type: Column listing all ticket type names on the event.
Ticket Quantity: Column listing the amount of ticket sales for each ticket type.
Total Revenue: Column listing the total value of sales for each ticket type before any discounts
and fees have been deducted.
Total Discounts: Column showing the total discounts applied against each ticket type.
Total Fees: Column showing the total amount taken from additional fees set on the event for
each ticket type.
Total Taxes: The total amount of taxes collected on the event for each ticket type if set on the
Taxes page.
Service Charge Included: The total amount of Universe service fees paid by the event
orgainser when the fee structure is set to absorb for each ticket type.
Tax on Service Charge Included: The total amount of tax charged on the Universe service fee
paid by the event organiser when the fee structure is set to absorb for each ticket type.
Total Net Sales: Column showing the total net sales for each ticket type on the event.
Total: The total amount of tickets sold and the total net earnings of all ticket types sold across
the event.
Note: - Net earnings = The event host’s earnings after deducting any discounts, partial refunds,
and Universe service fees.
Payment Processor: This column shows the payment processor(s) used on the event, this will
display Universe Payments and/or Stripe.
Ticket Quantity: The total amount of tickets sold through each payment processor.
Total Revenue: The total value of sales processed using each payment processor before
discounts and fees are deducted.
Total Discounts: Column showing the total discounts applied for orders processed by each
payment processor.
Total Fees: Column showing the total amount taken from additional fees set on the event for
each payment processor.
Total Taxes: The total amount of taxes collected on the event through each payment processor
if set on the Taxes page.
Service Charge Included: The total amount of Universe service fees paid by the event
orgainser when the fee structure is set to absorb through each payment processor.
Tax on Service Charge Included: The total amount of tax charged on the Universe service fee
paid by the event organiser when the fee structure is set to absorb through each payment
Total net sales: The total net sales on the event taken using each payment processor.
TOTAL: The total amount of tickets and net sales processed on the event through all payment
Note: - Net earnings = The event host’s earnings after deducting any discounts, partial refunds,
and Universe service fees.
Purchase channel: This column shows where orders for the event were purchased, Online
Sales - on or a client’s own website using our embeddable widgets.
Platform: any sales purchased using the BoxOffice app or through the Add an Order feature.
Ticket Quantity: The total amount of tickets sold on each purchase channel.
Total Revenue: The total value of sales made on each processor before any discounts and
fees are deducted.
Total Discounts: Column showing the total discounts applied for orders processed through
each purchase channel.
Total Fees: Column showing the total amount taken from additional fees set on the event for
each purchase channel.
Total Taxes: The total amount of taxes collected on the event for each purchase channel if set
on the Taxes page.
Service Charge Included: The total amount of Universe service fees paid by the event
orgainser when the fee structure is set to absorb for each purchase channel.
Tax on Service Charge Included: The total amount of tax charged on the Universe service fee
paid by the event organiser when the fee structure is set to absorb through each purchase
Total net sales: The total amount of tickets and net sales processed on each purchase
TOTAL: The total amount of tickets and net sales processed on the event through all purchase
Note: - Net earnings = The event host’s earnings after deducting any discounts, partial refunds,
and Universe service fees.
Purchase Origin: This column shows where orders were purchased, this includes, the Add an order feature, the URL of an organizer’s own website if using our embeddable widgets, or tickets sold via the BoxOffice app.
Ticket Quantity: The total amount of tickets sold on each purchase origin.
Total Revenue: The total value of sales made on each purchase origin before any discounts
and fees are deducted.
Total Discounts: Column showing the total discounts applied for orders processed through
each purchase origin.
Total Fees: Column showing the total amount taken from additional fees set on the event for
each purchase origin.
Total Taxes: The total amount of taxes collected on the event for each purchase origin if set on
the Taxes page.
Service Charge Included: The total amount of Universe service fees paid by the event
orgainser when the fee structure is set to absorb for each purchase origin.
Tax on Service Charge Included: The total amount of tax charged on the Universe service fee
paid by the event organiser when the fee structure is set to absorb through each purchase
Total net sales: The total amount of tickets and net sales processed on each purchase origin.
TOTAL: The total amount of tickets and net sales processed on the event through all purchase
Note: - Net earnings = The event host’s earnings after deducting any discounts, partial refunds,
and Universe service fees.
Add-on Type: Column listing all types of add-ons on the event.
Add-ons sold: Column showing the total amount of sales for each add-on type.
Total Revenue: Column listing the total value of sales for each add-on before any discounts
and fees have been deducted.
Total Discounts: Column showing the total discounts applied against each add-on.
Total Taxes: The total amount of taxes collected on the event for each add-on if set on each
add-on type.
Service Charge Included: The total amount of Universe service fees paid by the event organizer when the fee structure is set to absorb on each add-on.
Tax on Service Charge Included: The total amount of tax charged on the Universe service fee
paid by the event organiser when the fee structure is set to absorb on each add-on.
Total net sales: Column showing the total net sales for each add-on on the event.
TOTAL: The total amount of add-ons sold and the total net earnings of all add-ons sold across
the event.
Note: - Net earnings = The event host’s earnings after deducting any discounts, partial refunds,
and Universe service fees.
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