All custom buyer fields can be edited and all attendee fields can be edited at any time. The first name, last name and email address cannot be edited for buyers as this is the information on their Universe account. Note: For information on restricting the editing abilities for your guests, click here.
To Edit Order Information:
1. Log-in to your Universe account, go to your My Events page, and select the title of the event you would like to manage.
2. From your event's 'Manage' page, select the 'Orders & Attendees' option from the menu down the left side of your screen.
3. Next, select either the 'Orders' tab or the 'Attendees' tab depending on which information you would like to view.
The default information collected for each buyer and attendee is first name, last name and email address.
Warning: Default buyer information cannot be edited. Any additional data collection that you have set up to be collected from the buyer or attendees (via checkout questions) can be edited at any time.
- The Orders tab shows each order for your event (this may contain multiple tickets).
- The Attendees tab will show information for each attendee/ticket for your event.
4. From the 'Orders' or 'Attendees' tab, locate the buyer or attendee you would like to view. You can search by first name, last name, email, or order ID by using the search tool located on the right of your screen.
5. Once you have located the attendee you would like to edit, select the drop down menu on the right side of the row and choose the option to edit info. You can also click the first name, last name or email of the attendee to edit.
6. A pop-up window will appear and you can make any desired changes there. When done, click 'save' for your changes to take effect.
Note: If you are changing the attendee email address, you can resend their ticket to the new email address from the drop down menu by selecting ‘resend tickets’.
To learn how to set up custom data collection for your event using checkout questions, click here.
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