General Tips & Troubleshooting
Software Update: If you are connecting to your Stripe reader for the first time, or for the first time in a
while, your reader may need to perform a software update. It will automatically download and install the update after you begin the sync to connect the device. Time to update will vary depending on the update size and your internet speed, but it generally completes in 5 - 15 minutes. As such, we recommend getting your devices set up at least 15 minutes before doors open.
Multiple Devices: If you are using multiple Stripe terminals, we recommend ‘marrying’ them to a specific iOS/Android device for the entire event. While connecting, check to make sure you are selecting the correct device by checking the serial number on the back of the terminal against the serial number that displays in BoxOffice.
Cold Temperatures: Any kind of lithium battery should be kept above freezing, so if you are hosting a
box office outdoors, it would be best to keep the terminal an inside jacket pocket when not in use, much like with your phone.
Disconnection Issues: If you find that you are no longer seeing ‘Credit Card’ as a payment option on the Sell tab, your device has likely shut down due to inactivity. You can resolve by powering the device back on and going through the connection steps.
Cannot Select Currency: If you are attempting to connect a Stripe reader but there is no currency
available to select, it could be one of two problems:
- You have not Enabled Stripe Terminal in your Universe account
- You are logged in to BoxOffice as a team member rather than the host account
Error Messages
“Terminal Error: Failed to Discover Terminal” message
Reason: Bluetooth connection issue
- Check that the device is on & fully charged
- Make sure the terminal is not connected to another device
- Turn device off and back on again then retry
- Log out and back into BoxOffice app then retry
“Terminal Error: Failed to Discover Terminal - Operation Timed Out” message
Reason: Timed out during connection flow.
- Perform hard reset by holding down the button on the side of the terminal until it powers down.
Turn the device back on and try to reconnect.
“Payment Timeout” message
Reason: The ticket has been in the cart for too long without completing the transaction
- Clear cart & start again
“Transaction Error: 402” message
Reason: Payment Required - this is a standard response from Stripe for general declines
- Have the buyer attempt with a different card
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